From Podere Prataccio you can easily reach the most important cities of Tuscany during the day: Florence, Pisa, Siena, Arezzo and Rome.

But we particularly want to suggest other itineraries, equally full of charm even if less famous: Campiglia marittima, Suvereto and Bolgheri important centers of medieval culture and wine, with award-winning cellars worldwide. Populonia and the Gulf of Baratti with the Etruscan necropolis. Pitigliano, Sorano and Sovana the tuff cities.

Montemerano, Montalcino and Pienza, with their harmonious landscape and food and wine itineraries for pecorino and wine. Civita di Bagnoregio, the village suspended in the sky, the lake of Bolsena, the city of Viterbo with its Palazzo dei Papi (opening photo)

Lake Bracciano with the magnificent Orsini-Odescalchi castle and the imposing historical museum of the air force.

Narni, also perched on the rock, where the films of the Chronicles of Narnia were shot. In short, central Italy satisfies all your curiosities whether it be about culture, multifaceted landscapes or food and wine.